The brighter way to check your cattle.
Protect your cows for just 8¢ a day
Stay ahead of illness & estrus with our AI-powered 24/7 health & heat tracker.
Intervene before symptoms start.
The bluetooth-enabled smart tag continuously monitors animal movement & temperature, generating real-time health alerts. This early-warning system lets you isolate & proactively treat cattle in a more targeted way, often without vets, antibiotics or risk of an outbreak.
Never miss a cycle.
With 480 readings per day, HerdDogg tags let you remotely monitor & predict individual estrus cycles for maximum breeding success, as well as early indication of pregnancy.
Cattle sorting, made simple.
Help your team stay on top of daily tasks with automated daily pull lists & our unique flashing lights. Simply turn on the ear tags in the app for a faster & easier round-up, everytime.
"HerdDogg has helped us see the calves that need treatment early, allowing our team to cut drug use & improve overall performance."
Jacob Moes, Modak Dairy
Discover AI-powered interventions
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Get a personal guided tour during a free 30 min video call
Protecting what matters most.
We're on a mission to help ranchers build a positive legacy, halving antibiotic use & cattle mortality in a way that reduces producer stress.
Start seeing results in just 3 days
Tag your cattle & set up the DoggHouse's; solar-powered transmitter units
HerdDogg algorithm establishes your herd's baseline movement & temperature levels
Start getting your first health & heat alerts from day 3
Book A Live Demo
Get a personal guided tour during a free 30 min video call