Stop disease at the gate
Our data-driven systems create a digital fortress around your operation.

Track & optimize individual cattle health & performance throughout the entire beef supply chain with Breedr, the smart beef supply-chain platform.
Producers using Breedr are able to collaborate within their own supply-chains to produce more consistent & efficient beef at every step of the animal's life.
Collectively you can deliver a more commercially attractive product with the added-value of traceable, lifetime data.
Automatically monitor the geographic movement of vehicles, people & goods to help prevent disease from crossing your threshold.
All employees & visitors are prompted to scan a QR code & complete an automated digital check-in prior to entering your property. During check-in they complete health & movement declarations & receive a basic induction to your operation.
You'll receive a notification of their arrival, including a digital logbook of previous movements tracked by BIOPLUS.
In the event of an incident you can broadcast instructions to everyone on your property & stay informed of national outbreaks via a synchronized database.
It's quick & easy to proactively monitor your herd with our real-time health & heat trackers.
Mobile alerts & daily pull lists let you intervene fast, preventing outbreaks, performance loss & missed cycles. Our tough Bluetooth enabled tags continually monitor individual activity & temperature levels to keep you informed of every animal's health & heat status.
Our bright flashing light makes round-up simple & quick, just choose the animals you're looking for and switch on the lights in the app.